CRank: 5Score: 20440

"Take-Two list the Playstation 3 as its biggest revenue generator on the publishing side, with 35% of the quarterly take. That beats out the Xbox 360, which brought in 28% of its publishing dollars, and the Wii, at 11%"

Namco Bandai and Konami (and EA):
"According t...

5532d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

From Eurogamers Preview:

"MAG is fun. In fact, it's massive fun. It's fast and loose, free-flowing, improvisational, spectacular, structured without being too rigid; it accommodates lone wolves, team players and power-trippers alike, and makes it easy for players themselves to direct the action. You'd expect it to be intimidating, but it actually feels like the FPS for everybody. Even after just one 20-minute, 128-player match, it's hard to shake the feeling that, one day, a...

5533d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds fun and unique.

From the article:

"MAG is fun. In fact, it's massive fun. It's fast and loose, free-flowing, improvisational, spectacular, structured without being too rigid; it accommodates lone wolves, team players and power-trippers alike, and makes it easy for players themselves to direct the action. You'd expect it to be intimidating, but it actually feels like the FPS for everybody. Even after just one 20-minute, 128-player match, it's hard to shake...

5533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When will you learn...?

- You do realize that the info in the link says nothing about viruses?

- You do realize that you to this day really cant program an effective virus for the Ps3 (or almost any console for that matter)?

- You do realize that the Ps3 in fact hasn't been hacked yet, as opposed to the Xbox 360, Wii, PSP, DSi etc.

- You do realize that even 2 years after release, nobody has come even close to hacking the Ps3 yet? ...

5534d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice one ;-)

5534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The minute your PS3 boots up, it runs through 4 stages of security at all times. All 4 stages have secrets that will need to be decoded in order to reach the next stage. So think of hacking the PS3 to be similar to a treasure hunt. You discover the clues and figure out a way to piece them all together to find the treasure. Except in this hunt for the booty, if you mess up one tiny thing, the whole mission collapses and your PS3 could possibly explode into vast reaches of outer space.

5534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now come on...

Your link is from 2006 - two years old...

In 2006 there were, not surprisingly, a lot of 'hackers' that claimed that they already started hacking the Ps3, and that is was only a matter of time before they would fully have control over it, and then...nothing ...nothing at all.
No new info about it for 3 years, and no chest-beating like most hackers love.

In fact, the only thing that has been managed, is making the Ps3 backup friendly...

5534d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Brand new trailer (from yesterday):

Empire City Trailer

5534d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

...everybody to watch the newest InFamous trailer, if they haven't already.
The editing is fantastic, and the game looks amazing, nothing less.

5534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know who Sucker Punch have hired to edit there trailers, but wow!

This trailer is a bit in the same style as the also fantastic Uncharted trailer:

5535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's free for the ones who are already paying.

Makes sense.

5537d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well it does seem like that even though the 360 gets more JRPG's, the PS3 gets all the best ones...

5539d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

...really amazing

From the review:

"...and this, the most interesting PlayStation 3 exclusive I've ever played.

Demon's Souls is a brutal, bleak action combat RPG that pits your lone character against a universe full of violent demons. They range from former human soldiers to agile, double scimitar-wielding skeletons, pouncing flame-creatures, octopus-headed guards, embryonic plague-carrying monstrosities, even Death himself. The game's five worlds ...

5539d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is surprising.

Eurogamer don't just throw around with the big scores. So this title must be really good.


The Asian and Korean versions are fully in English, both text and voice (not the manual, unfortunately), and with no region-locking on PS3 games and MP being confirmed as all regions together, there's no reason not to get the Asian or Korean region versions now.

You can order it from these stores, among others (or check Ebay ...

5539d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Take-Two list the Playstation 3 as its biggest revenue generator on the publishing side, with 35% of the quarterly take. That beats out the Xbox 360, which brought in 28% of its publishing dollars, and the Wii, at 11%"


The game sounds amazing.

People should actually read Joysticks review. Its better written then 1UP's (in my personal opinion).

Also Totalplaystation has made a very nice review of Flower:

5612d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I remember correctly, they said it was going to cost 10 bucks.

5619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment